Monday, November 19, 2007

Gore's Mission to Heal the World

Cambiz Khosravi, director of A REALLY Inconvenient Truth films Joel Kovel in Willow, New York.

Student comment about the film which critique's Gore's position. It's hard enough to get people to sit down and watch a movie about global warming (which directly affects them), let alone a movie trying to explain the real motives behind it. I feel as though the power of his message will be pending on the person who watches it, and how much they are truly willing to believe that things aren't really as they seem (alienation, etc etc.) I personally loved the film, but I hate to trust (rich,white) people, so exploiting An Inconvenient Truth for what it really is, business propaganda (??) rather than Gore's mission to heal the world, is exactly what I wanted to see after hearing him speak for 90 minutes. Fight the Power

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