Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Gore Gave a Lot of Facts

Willow, New York

Comment from student after viewing A REALLY Inconvenient Truth:
I thought the movie was informative and communicated its ideas. It made me realize how Gore was capitalizing, basically, off of making this movie. One of the central ideas to this movie is how Gore gave a lot of facts about global-warming and displayed the problem like it was societies faults; when in fact the ‘system’ and institutions that make up society should be looked at how they contribute to the problem. The dispersed car commercials were an interesting touch because they were really invasive and obnoxious, and we are bombarded with them when watching television. Having it set up like a debate made it easy to follow the points that were being put-forth. I am anxious to see what the movie suggests we do to make a difference. It was very informative and gave a different and mind-opening perspective on the world-and America’s destructive capitalistic traits.

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