Sunday, November 18, 2007

Defamation of Celebrity Politicians

First and for most, I fully support the metaphor of capitalism as cancer, capcerism as it were. Also I enjoy defamation of celebrity politicians. But as an attempt to incite any kind of anti capitalist ideation, or spark any change in lifestyle the movie fails entirely. First off, the screenwipes and showing of too many images on the screen at once doesn't help convey a message, it makes the movie less enjoyable to watch. Secondly, having been to Bard campus, met Bard students, and knowing that Bard tuition costs over thirty thousand a year, I find hearing from Bard students about the cancerous evil of capitalism to be just as hypocritical as Al Gore making a movie about global warming. Thirdly, and this is the most important criticism I have, a failed politician, especially one that failed to inspire the green party of all people and lost to RALPH NADER, especially one who is an ugly old man WILL NOT inspire ANYONE at all to try to change the system, that man couldn't keep the kid's of today away from thiner PSPs and Iphones for more than a minute, let alone keep them in a movie theater for the length of the documentary. So in summation, while the message is accurate, and one that needs to be spread, this film's attempt to distribute it is in my mind unquestionably doomed to complete failure. if you want to catch the attention of todays capitalist youth, you will need to use the same tactics as their bourgeoisie overlords, entice them to your cause with sexual imagery, threaten them with their inevitable anialation, do something, anything to trigger a greater emotional response. The crying fat kid in front of the super dome after Katrina, and the teddy bear insurance company were a good start, but if this film is going to compete of a free market for a share of viewer ship, it will need at least one big explosion, and a whole lot more material designed to satisfy the viewers collective id.
I wish the makers of the film the best of luck in spreading their message, and hope my advice is taken seriously.

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